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RageTools: Flash-like 2D Vectors and GUI for Unity

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by MaDDoX, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Update: RageTools 1.1 now live on the Unity Asset Store, for $70 - a $14/component bargain!

    buffs your game with superior, always crisp GUI elements and 2D Vector art.

    is a collection of components for Unity, which aims to provide the full power of Flash™-like resolution-independent, pixel-perfect vector graphics. Most tools work as enhancement features specific for the RageSpline component (Find it here:

    It Includes:

    1. Rage SVG-In, vector art importer compatible with Adobe™ Illustrator™ and Inkscape files
    2. Rage Group, which allows the grouping and easy tweaking of multiple RageSplines at once
    3. Rage Pivotools, to easily center and offset vector shapes
    4. Rage CanvasAlign, to align your GUI elements relative to a certain screen corner or edge
    5. Rage EdgeTune, an adaptive level-of-detail (LOD) tool that intelligently changes your shape anti-aliasing and curve smoothness in real-time for the best possible quality and performance.
    * No custom dlls, works on Windows and iOS Unity Editors. Commented source code included
    * 100% Unity-compliant, works with Web plugin, iOS and Android deploys

    ATTENTION: RageMagnet and RageText, briefly showcased in the video, will be available on a forthcoming, separate product: RageTools Pro. RageTools Pro will be an upgrade pack for RageTools, costing $80 (only $20/component).

    RageTools Pro: For RageTools users, RageTools Pro, just released in the Asset Store, includes a number of advanced features:
    • RageMagnet - the package's animation and deformation component, allowing multiple controllers per RageGroup, with independent, user-defined influence range and decay. This generic approach allows for sophisticated animation of Vector Shapes using scripts, iTween, and even Unity's own powerful animation editor.
    • RageText - The ultimate resolution-independent text generation tool for Unity, providing ground-breaking and highly-requested ScaleForm™-like vector text output. Provides precise alignment, tracking and kerning settings, and allows for easily animatable characters - even through physics! As fonts, it can use both the RageSpline-based fonts or 3D-object fonts which can be user-generated. Fonts can be converted from TTF using a specific workflow using Illustrator and SVG-In, and some RageFonts will be included in the package, like the exclusive "Atarified" font.
      RageIk - The easiest-to-use 2D Inverse Kinematics solution for Unity, RageIk provides you a one-click setup process for any two-elements chain, like arms and legs. You can pose the chain with a single controller, no secondary "pole" controller needed, simply toggle the "bias" setting to change the favored bending angle. Along RageConstraint, multiple RageIk chains can be used to quickly setup more complex chains like serpents or tentacles.
      RageConstraint - Making objects in separate chains "follow" each other with a single click is what RageConstraint and its setup macro are all about. You can easily select what transformation type will be constrained (followed), translation or rotation. Excellent for rigging (creating an easily-animatable, puppet-like character) and a perfect match to RageMagnet or separate-parts game elements like the included "Vilas" character.
    Official website:

    For up-to-date info, find us on Facebook and follow @freakowgames - and/or your host, @brenoazevedo :)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2012
  2. keely


    Sep 9, 2010
    Just pointing out that this is 3rd party add-on to RageSpline.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011
  3. wccrawford


    Sep 30, 2011
    I assume RageTools is free, and Pro will cost money? If not, how much?
  4. lionskin


    Jan 23, 2011
    I'm interested in pricing as well. I will definitely be buying .
  5. p6r


    Nov 6, 2010
    Wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Alienchild


    Oct 14, 2010
    Looks very interesting. Hopefully you'll have a nice introductory price ;)
  7. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    I'd say you have some credit Keely, considering how much I've hijacked yours all these months lol :D And sure, I'll add its link on the site and the video ASAP, for some reason I took for granted that everybody knows what RageSpline is and where to find it ^_^

    Thanks for the nice comments guys, glad to serve this amazing community :) And yes, especially considering the base product requires a previous purchase (RageSpline) I definitely intend to have a nice price for it. Don't worry, I'm an indie dev myself so I know how these things weigh on our wallet. I'll wait for the Unity Store feedback first but I expect it to cost somewhere around RageSpline's release price.

    BTW, I know we're breaking some new ground here with a "plugin for plugin" approach, so bear with us as we figure out what are the best ways to present and carry on things. Tonight I'll add the final polish to the package as required by the Unity Asset store and submit it to the big guns approval.

    Meanwhile, feel free to add your questions and comments about it. TA!
  8. lilymontoute


    Feb 8, 2011
    Which is pretty cool, by the way. As long as prices don't get to high and there's the same quality standard between plugins, it can work out well - it keeps the main plugin focused on its core, and the programmer gets a polished API.
  9. DavidB


    Dec 13, 2009
    This is absolutely incredible. RageSpline is a total "boss" plugin... and with the addition of RageTools... this thing is a serious toolset for... pretty much everyone now. Excellent work! Now all we need is a way to create complex animations for characters ala flash :p
  10. Duskling


    Mar 15, 2011
    I really love ragespline, but damn.

    I have to pay MORE money for the tools pretty much necessary to make better animations?
    If there is a free version can I publish commercially? Because If you bought ragespline in the first place
    you should be able to publish commercially with ragetools free.

    Glad ragetools finally released tho. Can't wait to try it out.
  11. DavidB


    Dec 13, 2009
    Though RageTools is a plugin for a plugin... it is by no means this tightly linked. If you bought RageSpline, you knew what it did, and what it didn't.... I personally hope that RageTools isn't too pricey, but Maddox is deserved his due here... it looks like a lot of work went into this toolset to expand an already amazing toolset. Supporting tools like this will only push Unity forward.
  12. rstehwien


    Dec 30, 2007
    RageTools looks great and addresses my one complaint about RageSpline - asset pipeline. I wanted to bring in existing vector art and not have to draw it all again.

    Also the alignment and scaling made me think this would make a great GUI toolkit with some work... an add-on to an add-on to an add-on ;)

    Hoping that the new Unity 3.5 GUI changes allow for scalable UIs with layout management.
  13. wccrawford


    Sep 30, 2011
    Ah. Well, I thought 'free' was too cheap, but... I dunno, paying as much for a plugin's plugin as the plugin itself feels wrong. If it included Pro for that price, I wouldn't balk. That'd be worth it to me.

    Anyhow, just my thoughts.
  14. DavidB


    Dec 13, 2009
    I could very well be blind, but has he stated a price yet?
  15. psyclone


    Nov 17, 2009
    It is still a persons time and effort that goes into the development.... Wether it is the original plugin, or a plugin based on another plugin. Market is already reduced to those who have the original...

    It is fair for any plugin developer to charge (reasonably) for their time and effort.
  16. Ippokratis


    Oct 13, 2008
    MaDDoX, congrats on your release.
  17. Esila


    Mar 22, 2009
    when it will release? I want to buy pro version. :)
  18. wccrawford


    Sep 30, 2011
    No, he noted some of this thoughts on price, but nothing definite.
  19. wccrawford


    Sep 30, 2011
    I don't disagree with you. I was just noting my thoughts on the possible price, and how I felt. I realize it's a lot of work, but how much work it was isn't directly linked to what people will pay for it.
  20. Ippokratis


    Oct 13, 2008
    Actually, what people will pay for it is directly linked on how much the author values its product.
    Profit = ( price * units sold ) - expenses.
    It may be worthy to keep the price high and sell few units in the hope that the tool is necessary for some people or to keep the price low in the hope that you sell many units. Difficult decision.
    It would be nice to integrate Rage Tools in Rage Spline, keeping the price "low", for the end user. It is not so simple for the developers, since that means that they should split the profits somehow.
    There is big anticipation regarding Scaleform integration, Noesis GUI, Unity revamped GUI etc.
    Also there are many 2d solutions that have fragmented the market.
    Despite all that, I think that at the present, regarding 2d vector graphics, the combined Rage Spline and Rage Tools is a very good solution for those who need this tech now.
  21. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Great point Thinksquirrel. I'm personally against any type of me-too races, I think that if developers focus on enhancing the existing leading products (especially when they do things right, are well-supported and are properly priced, like RageSpline), the community as a whole gain bigger and better benefits.

    Hi David, thanks for your comments! To answer your question, you see that opening animation with the RageTools logo? It's entirely created with RageTools Pro and PlayMaker (+iTween), not even a single line of code required :) You can see a quick making-off at the "hidden end" part of the video.

    Talking of which.. you guys did watch the hidden end, right? ^_^

    On a more serious note, other features planned for Pro are a user-friendly frame switcher that exports to regular Unity animations - to allow switch-type animations - and rotation aware magnets. These magnets will be able to be used exactly like bones on 2D Animation packages like Anime Studio Pro.

    Talking of which.. does Flash even has all of this? I haven't followed its development closely lately tbh.

    Sorry, no free version on this one. Not against it or anything, actually I've already released tons of tutorials and extensions for free in the past (you can see some in my personal blog), in this case the amount of commitment necessary to simply add a properly-featured SVG importer made it impossible to develop it if not as a paid product.

    I can't talk for Keely ofc, but I'm sure he's never promised any animation features or art import options. Yet he did provide us with a great API (completely uncalled for btw) that can be extended as needed for such needs. Last but not least, it's reasonable to consider that if RageSpline did include these features, it'd probably cost double as much. So, in the end, you'll be saving up *and* having two coders supporting your "combo" product instead of just one. That means more and better features in the end, everybody wins. IMO.

    Almost there.. not quite :) Only today I've got time to wrap everything up (easier said than done) and the Asset Store approval process might take a couple extra days.

    Actually the Pro version roadmap includes some major "pre-fab" GUI components like radio buttons and drop-down menus. Other extensions could be in order, but *not* for GUI-related stuff, that's regular Pro domain ;)

    Hi Ippokratis, thx! You know, I'm still very impressed about your experiments (I've sent the link to Keely and he found it awesome as well) so I wouldn't rule out a future project pushing that idea/tech forward. Who knows? ;)

    Esila, I'm sending RageTools to the Asset Store today (I know, should've been yesterday, darn work-work) as soon as I learn when is the release date - or if it was released - I'll share it with you guys immediately ofc. As for the Pro version, no release date yet, but like you saw in the video it's already in beta. There'll be an upgrade path to Pro later, so don't worry about "paying twice" if you buy RageTools now, since RageTools + Pro Upgrade prices = Pro price.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011
  22. ibyte


    Aug 14, 2009
    Hey MaDDox, glad your seeing some light at the end of the tunnel - looking forward to checking out RageTools

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2011
  23. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Thanks iByte! :) Long time we don't chat huh? Back when we started talking about the possibility of importing SVGs to RageSpline, I'd never guess this would become such an involved project and take so long to get done, but you can imagine how things go for a primarily designer and 3D animator trying to develop a product in his spare (?) time :)

    So, after taking some major hurdles out of the way, RageTools is now submitted to the Unity Asset Store.
  24. Scramasaxe


    Sep 2, 2011
    I'm looking to do my level elements with your product. Will the collision elements work well with each other?
  25. ibyte


    Aug 14, 2009
    Hey, MaDDox, will you accept purchasers of Ragetools base product as beta testers for Pro?

  26. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Absolutely, if you're talking about imported SVGs they become regular Ragesplines and so share the same collider-construction features. If you mean multiple Ragemagnets (Ragetools-pro only) affecting the same shape, well, you can see it in action on the Ragetools logo "explosion" animation in the video, there are eleven Ragemagnets affecting the same shape, at least three affecting the same spike at once.

    We won't have a traditional beta for RT pro, yet due to the high request we will have an early-adopter plan for a few studios. Nevertheless, considering you're the only one who gave me useful pointers early on, I'm sure we can open an exception ;)
  27. artzfx


    Apr 28, 2008
    RageSpline+RageTools+EasyMotion2D+UMotion 2D = Complete Flash Vector/UI/Character Kit :)
  28. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Interesting, I hadn't seen these products before :) In full honesty though, I don't think a bone-based approach would work for RageSpline. We've had some discussions about it before in the RageSpline forum thread, and the fact that you'd have to re-bind the mesh to the joints (which imply in some kind of auto-weighting) on a per-frame basis would probably be quite expensive. That using the regular skinned mesh renderer, ofc. What we do with RageMagnet is actually having our own system so we deform the RageSplines *before* converting them to polygons. Since the polygon generation is the most expensive part of the pipeline, according to our tests, the approach has shown to be the best.

    On a second note, I like the visual GUIs and all, but I rather use the default Unity infra-structure for the actual animations. It's way more flexible on the pipeline, you can for instance use Playmaker default actions to play your animations instead of needing to build a custom one as you have to with, say, SpriteManager2's custom animations. I'm not sure if these products can deploy to default Unity animations or not btw, I'm just making a point on how RageTools Pro will work for animations.

    Thanks for the hints ;)
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2011
  29. runonthespot


    Sep 29, 2010
    There's always as-rigid-as-possible ;-)
  30. LeshaVH


    Mar 22, 2010
    Just create angry birds fully-working example on real mobile devices - and u will get on top. before that - this is only experimental plugin for fans :D
  31. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    If you mean using a "rigid bind" type of method, I've tried something similar initially but it didn't work well at all, deformations were extremely harsh and "ragged". You really need to affect the control points, and not the result polygons, to get smooth deformations, except if you want to work with a super-high vertex density that will probably make it unpractical performance-wise. Even linear segments (polylines, rects, etc), with zero-length tangents, result in bad deformations. That's why in SVG-In we have a "Midline Controls" toggle, to force the creation of mid-way control points (tangent handle) in linear segments.

    I do like a challenge, but what exactly makes an 'Angry Birds' clone a challenge? It's a simple physics game with a swipe control. Physics are built-in on Unity and as for swipe control, you can buy Finger Gestures or code-in your own stuff, Unity's API actually makes it quite simple.

    So, what's that to do with RageTools? If you mean the zoom-in resolution independence, sure, that's what RageTools does, and it's literally a two-click operation to get that working on *any* shape, even the shapes of the built-in RageSpline example games.

    As for mobility performance (and we've got that question a couple times), there are many ways you can use RageTools Edgetune effectively; one of them is running it just once, typically on the first frame, for all shapes used by the game so they adapt to the output resolution. In a few days we'll have an example unity scene with a detailed, full-screen art (instead of those silly simple birds :p) which you'll be able to zoom-in and out interactively while watching the triangles count update. I'll also capture a video of a Tegra tablet and a 2.2 Samsung Android phone running the scene so people can have an idea of what to expect mobility-performance-wise.

    Last but not least, we've been running RageTools in production for months already in our own under-development game. Yet, even *if* what you said was true, we're all constantly amazed by what fans can make with "experimental" stuff - like sculptris, light probes, auto-topology.. so I'll take that as a praise ;)
  32. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    RageTools now live on the Unity Asset Store! :D

    SVG import, bulk-tweak of RageSplines, Pivot centering and offset, vector GUI alignment, Flash-like LOD, all of that for only $50.

    That's a $10 per component bargain, and for anyone using a vector-art pipeline the SVG importer by itself is worth it. And who doesn't want pixel-perfect-sharp, resolution-independent scalable GUIs? Look no further: there's lots of promises out there for these tasks, but no other proven, 100% Unity-compatible (for any platform, including web deploy!), ready-to-use solution like RageTools + RageSpline:
  33. IcyPeak


    Dec 1, 2009
    Great, I was watching for it too! Gonna buy it in the morning... looks like a valuable addon for ragespline indeed.
  34. Neural Echo

    Neural Echo

    Jul 5, 2007

    Congrats on the release of RageTools.

    Just curious about the upgrade path for PRO, will the upgrade be handled through the Asset Store, or will it be a direct purchase from you through the FreakOw site?
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2011
  35. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Thanks Trimferus! I'm working on a web player demo of the resolution-independent zoom-in and out (and videos of its performance on mobile platforms), and I also got a nice suggestion to make a short video showcasing a couple techniques of how to build vector GUIs with RageTools. We will also keep adding components to RageTools standard, like a frame-switch generator, able to generate a regular Unity switch-type animation out of a sequence of vector frames. Frame switch (or simply "switch") animations are the classic 2D animation way of making one frame disappear and show another one in the same place.

    Hi Neural_Echo! While the Asset Store doesn't provide a simpler path for such cases, we'll simply have another product (RageTools Upgrade) with the proper requirements clearly made. We'll also have a link to this product ("Upgrade for existing RageTools owners") in the RageTools Pro product page.

    Talking of which, one thing many probably didn't realize is that you don't need RT Pro to build GUIs that don't require dynamic text (scores, player name, etc), RageTools standard fits the bill perfectly! Also, there's nothing stopping you from mixing standard Unity Text Meshes with Vector Groups, CanvasAlign actually makes this second nature. You can simply check the included sample scenes' help text, it's entirely built this way right in the editor - no boring numeric coordinates or "CSS-like" input whatsoever :)
  36. fffMalzbier


    Jun 14, 2011
    On the Asset store Page the text is saying : ATTENTION : Requires RageSpline.

    Is that true? I do not need all the options of RageSpline i only need RageTools.
  37. djinni69


    May 10, 2010
    RageTools is built on top of RageSpline. I think there's only one component of RageTools which functions with or without RageSpline. All other components require it
  38. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    It's true. As djinni69 said, even if you don't need all the features from RageSpline, RageTools requires it to be able to draw vector shapes using Unity's polygon render engine. If all you need is Aligning your 3D objects or text meshes to an ortho camera edge or corner, then RageSpline is not required - and even so you'd have to take care to not import the other files. So, as a rule of thumb, only get RageTools if you get (or have) RageSpline as well.

    BTW, I'm working on a minor update (1.0.3) that fixes some issues and adds some features to the SVG importer, djinni69 already tested a preliminary version yesterday. I intend to send it to the Asset Store some time later today.
  39. fffMalzbier


    Jun 14, 2011
    I just like to replace normal textures with something generated from SVG files to shrink the file size.
    50$ for this ... ok we thought but in addition 75$ on top is a little to much for the project.
  40. jusamobile


    Oct 1, 2011
    thats less than one days salary for a normal software developer so its not much... keely and maddox did a great job and the price for both is more than fair for teams or people that can take full advantage of most of the features

    for a one man team starting out it might feel high but then again you could save money and make it yourself and learn while doing it

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  41. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Thanks for the kind words jusamobile :) I have no say about it ofc, but in my perspective the RageSpline price is right for his unique abilities and advantages.

    Malzbier, for mobile platforms replacing normal textures with SVG files would be optimal only if they're clean textures with large, flat shapes, you don't want busy/tiny contours (say, a grassy landscape) rendered by vectors - not even Flash games do that. A great technique to use, though, is using a regular bitmap texture for the smooth color gradations, shading and noise of your art, while having the contours and outlines of the shape in vectors. You can use any bitmap-to-vector software (even the free Inkscape has it!) to convert a solid-black-on-white version of your image to vectors, then apply the texture to fit it closely using RageSpline native texture placement tools. The reason for this is simple - the eye more easily capture the definition/resolution of shapes with high contrast, you can use really low-resolution and highly compressed textures for smooth-transitions before the eye can notice anything - add Unity's default mipmap smoothing and you're all set.

    This is an amazing technique that explores the best of both worlds - yet it's easier shown than explained in text, I intend to have a video showcasing this and a couple other vector-preparation techniques some time along this month.
  42. ibyte


    Aug 14, 2009
    Hey MaDDox, got sometime to try Ragetools but running into some odd errors. I imported RageSpline and Ragetools into one of my existing projects. After thinking about it but not really looking at the bits of your product i created a gameobject in my existing scene, added the SVGin component and happened to drop the mushroom svg file into the slot and then clicked import. I got a bunch of errors.

    I looked around a bit more and saw your sample scene for the svgin and I thought it was funny your instructions described what I just tried on my own. This time it worked fine.

    So I went back to my scene created a new game object .etc etc and I still get these errors. Any thoughts on what's going on?

    Added: Creating a new scene and doing the import also works as expected.
    Creating a new game object and trying to add the RageSpline component to it also fails so it's nothing to do with Ragetools per se.

    Solved: For reasons not really important, the camera in the scene I was trying the RageSpline creation/import did not have the camera tagged as MainCamera. It looks like RageSpline requires this At least when creating a default rageSpline object.

    Code (csharp):
    1. NullReferenceException
    2. RageSpline.CreateDefaultSpline () (at Assets/RageSpline/Code/RageSpline.cs:1932)
    3. RageSpline.Awake () (at Assets/RageSpline/Code/RageSpline.cs:120)
    4. UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(String)
    5. RageSvgIn:CreateChild(Transform, Boolean) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:756)
    6. RageSvgIn:ParsePath(XMLNode) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:570)
    7. RageSvgIn:ParseSvg(XMLNode) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:152)
    8. RageSvgIn:ParseSvg(XMLNode) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:173)
    9. RageSvgIn:FindSvgRoot(XMLNode) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:97)
    10. RageSvgIn:BeginSvgImport() (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:78)
    11. RageSvgIn:ImportSvg() (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:59)
    12. RageSvgInEditor:OnInspectorGUI() (at Assets/RageTools/Editor/RageSvgInEditor.cs:33)
    13. UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI()

    Code (csharp):
    1. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    2. RageSpline.ClearPoints () (at Assets/RageSpline/Code/RageSpline.cs:2523)
    3. RageSvgIn.CreateChild (UnityEngine.Transform parentTransform, Boolean isGroup) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:759)
    4. RageSvgIn.ParsePath (.XMLNode svgEntry) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:570)
    5. RageSvgIn.ParseSvg (.XMLNode svgRoot) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:152)
    6. RageSvgIn.ParseSvg (.XMLNode svgRoot) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:173)
    7. RageSvgIn.FindSvgRoot (.XMLNode node) (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:97)
    8. RageSvgIn.BeginSvgImport () (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:78)
    9. RageSvgIn.ImportSvg () (at Assets/RageTools/RageSvgIn.cs:59)
    10. RageSvgInEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/RageTools/Editor/RageSvgInEditor.cs:33)
    11. UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditors (Boolean isRepaintEvent, UnityEditor.Editor[] editors, Boolean eyeDropperDirty)
    12. UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.OnGUI ()
    13. System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

    Code (csharp):
    1. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    2. RageSpline.GetPosition (Single splinePosition) (at Assets/RageSpline/Code/RageSpline.cs:2465)
    3. RageSpline.DrawSplineGizmos () (at Assets/RageSpline/Code/RageSpline.cs:2169)
    4. RageSpline.OnDrawGizmosSelected () (at Assets/RageSpline/Code/RageSpline.cs:178)
    5. UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI()
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2011
  43. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Yeah, this is probably RageSpline using the Camera.Main() function, I've run into this for one of the RageTools components, it's documented. RageSpline could use a test/report error message instead, I'll mention it to Keely. Thanks for the report :)

    Back to the web plugin demo illustration, man how complex this thing is.. :eek:
  44. ibyte


    Aug 14, 2009
    +1 for RTFM

  45. ibyte


    Aug 14, 2009
    HI MaDDox, I have imported my test SVG file which was the animals SVG I was testing my own importer with before. I noted that every single object has the same X and Y coordinates with varying Z ( for proper stacking).

    So my first question is why do all objects share the same x and y in the transform? Never mind on this first question I recalled now that rage spline points are relative to the parent RageSpline game object at import.

    And second I am trying to use the Unity animation view to do some simple RageSpline transform animations. I was hoping to reuse some animations but it doesn't seem possible?

    Let me explain. For example one of my characters is a pig. I want to roll the pupils in his eyeballs. I added a Animation component to one of his eyeballs and then added the appropriate keyframes while moving the RageSpline object for his eyeball around (in x and y but left z at zero in each key frame). When I press play on the animation, things are fine.

    I was then trying to reuse that animation on a different characters eyeball. I can add the animation component, select the same Animation clip as the first object and then play the animation but the object takes on the coordinates of the initial object including the z value.

    So from your experience is it possible to reuse animation clips this way?

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2011
  46. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    iByte, I'm not so sure applying a Unity's Animation (for later re-use) on the *ragespline* object is a good idea. As far as I know the actual animation clip has pointers to the structure of the object, and with different ragespline components on each object it might consider the keyframes can't be pasted.

    I'd try creating/applying the animation clip to an empty gameobject, parent your eye shape to it. Make sure the keyframes are applied to the parent gameobject and not to the child one. Then it should be possible to re-use the animation clip on another gameobject (in your case, parent of another type of eye).

    Hope it works, the animation editor can be quite finicky in some cases.
  47. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    So guys, Taylor from 24pfilms has sent me a complex Adobe Illustrator file so I could test it with RageTools SVG importer. I admit the idea of processing a half-meg (!!) SVG file got me unsettled, yet to my relief all shapes came in without a hitch! :D

    Styles were a different story, of course. His art has group-level transparency (not yet supported but apparently pretty easy to add), radial gradients (not supported by RageSpline, although the two gradient colors do come through fine) and different transparent overlay modes like Multiply - also not supported by RageSpline and which would require a different set of shaders. So I've isolated some elements and, after some quick tweaks in illustrator, I got very happy with the import results. Aside from a couple gradients all did came in with very good fidelity. Then I couldn't resist to add RageGroup to the background and apply some "blur" ^_^ Here's the result screenshot:

    PS.: All art credits to 24pfilms

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    Last edited: Oct 17, 2011
  48. keely


    Sep 9, 2010
    Dare I ask what is the poly/vert count on that?
  49. MaDDoX


    Nov 10, 2009
    Don't you dare!!!

    j/k :D

    So, out of the bat, with good quality import settings (min/max density = 6/8), 12.2k tris - a single modern 3D character model's worth of triangles. Not trying to infer the best approach is using vectors for every little shade, but depending on your target platform and/or application it's definitely feasible. Soon this won't even be much of a concern, as devices improve in gfx by leaps and bounds. Back to the present, though, it's very easy to optimize the vector art tri count and draw calls while keeping great quality, by simply applying RageGroup tweak actions to different "levels" of the art tree structure. Watch how I easily got down to 6.5K tris and mere three draw calls:

    Attached Files:

  50. keely


    Sep 9, 2010
    Definitely feasible. When I read "half-meg (!!) SVG file", I was like "NOOooooo!...", but then I was like "mmmm".
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