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uWebKit - Web Technology for Unity

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by Mythos Labs, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2012
  2. Bugfoot


    Jan 9, 2009
    Great stuff, this will be very useful!
    Might be a nice UI replacement solution for desktop too.
  3. lilymontoute


    Feb 8, 2011
    Very impressive!
  4. liverolA


    Feb 10, 2009
    Best plugin this year,when we will see this?
  5. handsomePATT


    Nov 30, 2010
    this is amazing!
  6. CodeCody


    Apr 27, 2010
    I think I'm in love!
  7. I am da bawss

    I am da bawss

    Jun 2, 2011
    Amazing, I have just one question, what would be the pricing for this one?

    Now I am seriously considering the Shatter Toolkit as well..
  8. lorenzo.cambiaghi


    Aug 16, 2011
    amazing, even if it doesn't work under ios android :(
  9. 95KillerZ95


    May 27, 2011
    This is impressive! I will surely take it :) What's the price?
  10. fffMalzbier


    Jun 14, 2011
    No iOS? mmm .Would be to nice to be true.
  11. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    Hello and thanks!

    uWebKit will launch this fall for OSX and Windows. We'll have introductory pricing for binary and source licenses.
  12. djinni69


    May 10, 2010
    Is this an EXE-only (standalone build) plugin? Are we able to use this from a web build?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2011
    ristophonics likes this.
  13. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    you can't integrate native code in webplayers without a unity source license
  14. djinni69


    May 10, 2010
    I didn't see mention of native code, but since it's based on the WebKit, that was my assumption. Thanks
  15. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    Ah, good thinking.
    Didn't think of that explicitely (but thats naturally true) but given it says windows and osx only I assumed it cause if it were pure managed it would work on mobiles too.
  16. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    Hello, uWebKit is indeed for standalone OSX and Windows games. We're developing it both as a product and for use in our titles.

    The web plugin, flash export, and mobile Unity platforms have good options for interfacing with web technology and social graphs. This technology focuses on bringing access to web content, social interaction, and ecommerce to standalone games.

    It is also possible to use the web/social graph to connect players on the desktop with mobile versions of a game.

    - Mythos Labs
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2011
  17. handsomePATT


    Nov 30, 2010
    is the browser using the Unity GUI? and will it be easy to customize the look of it?
  18. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
  19. handsomePATT


    Nov 30, 2010
    Cool thanks. Cant wait till this comes out!
  20. Pheagey


    Aug 30, 2011
    just, wow! Integration like this will be a driving force in the next generation of games. IN game adverts for real world services, paid for IN game, status updated IN game....
    @Mythos Labs: what has the development cycle length keep like so far? and do you guys have any plans to support other browser based plugins?
  21. handsomePATT


    Nov 30, 2010
    plus people could check their facebook without leaving the game :p
  22. jay.pis



    Mar 7, 2011
    This is so perfect for one of our major projects! When will you announce release and pricing?
  23. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011

    We're currently in San Fran attending Unite. Once we get back in the office, we have a bit of finalizing work on the product and documentation. I can post updates on progress, we're on target for a fall release... and it is currently fall :)

    We're planning on offering an introductory price and we'll also have binary and source licenses available.

    - Mythos Labs
    Check out uWebKit, coming Fall 2011 for Unity3D
  24. Robbilie2


    Aug 4, 2010
    The demo vido looks pretty amazing, thumbs up ;)

    Since my budget is pretty i cant afford it when the price is too high :p

    I hope, at least the introduction price would be lower than 50$...

    *hopeandcrossfingers* :D

    Robert ;)
  25. kenshin


    Apr 21, 2010
    Really cool man, this is great stuff!
  26. Tinus


    Apr 6, 2009
    Excellent, seems like a really well designed piece of kit. :)
  27. Havok


    Aug 21, 2009
    AWESOME! Damn... this would be seriously cool.
  28. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011

    We're back in the office working on the release.

    uWebKit brings the web to standalone Unity games and applications. This is desirable for many games/applications that require deep web integration or would rather not have the content running in a transient browser tab. This also allows you to access all of the power and features of Unity3D without the limitations of browser plugins.

    We'll have more information soon, thanks for all the interest and feedback!

    - Mythos Labs
    Check out uWebKit for Unity3D
  29. GWPGearWorx


    Apr 29, 2007

    If the price is right, I will be purchasing this the day it is released. Not only does this look like a professional polished product, it is also a HUGE time saver, and will be perfect for our current project. Top not stuff guys, I am eagerly awaiting your release announcement!
  30. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    I am most interested in this also but absolutely hate it when people say "We'll be releasing it sometime during such or such a season". A season is not a date since the same season does not apply all over the world. Why in the world can't people just say "1Q" or "3rd Quarter" instead of "check back in again some time over a 3 month period starting from a date relative to us"??? Hate it, hate it, hate it!

    So at least you said it is fall for you now so basically you could just have said "we will be ready for release sometime over the course of the next 3 months" instead of me having to read 2 pages of posts to figure that out...

    Anyways, I do have one more question, if you wouldn't mind...
    You stated that the product will be released and that you will ALSO have a source and a binary release. If both source and binary are optional licences, how will this product be released by default?

    ...oh and of course, price :p

    I managed to get the Awesomium plugin to work in under 2 minutes and I was real happy, but every time I open a page in the editor, stopping playback would cause Unity to crash, the standalone player doesn't show anything and I am waiting for nearly 3 weeks now to get a reply to my customer support request so that is why I am so very much interested in this kit! Something that actually works! Yeay!! :D

    Perhaps you can answer me one final question, also:
    How would I go about making a Mac and a Windows version from the same source using your kit? To explain, the awesomium kit requires that I hack Unity to include a library for OSX but the Windows version will require separate DLLs to be included. I was hoping for a "Just choose Windows and hit build" option that would result in the same kind of assurance that Unity provides that if the game works in OSX, just building it for Windows will result in a program that is guaranteed to work. Not having a Windows system (nor wanting to have one) makes it difficult to test using third party, external plugins. Is your solution integrated or will it work in the same way?
  31. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    I have seen a lot of mention of using HTML pages as in game HUD elements. I am curious how that would be done... If you load a single page across the entire screen and use HTML Table formatting to position your elements, then wouldn't your clicks always reach the HTML page? This means all Input. code would first have to test wether it clicked on an HTML element before going to the scene isn;t that the case?

    Alternatively, if you simply load 6 or 12 HTML pages and position each at specific locations in your game, what would be the benefit of having to write 12 HTML pages, each with JavaScript code to interact with your game and, vice versa, writing Unity Script to send to 12 HTML pages to process? I know it sounds real cool and all, but I am afraid my brain can't wrap itself around who to do so... Would anyone please care to enlighten me...? Please..?

    Thanks :)

    p.s. just watched the video again... still think this is absolutely awesome and I simply cannot wait for this!!!
  32. IndieStudio


    May 12, 2011
    I am also interested in buying it just after the release, if the price is affordable for indie developers
  33. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    I so want to make an offer also but I'm so afraid they were planning on selling for $10 then i offer $200 and they go "Okay, We'll do that price for ya!" :p

    Seriously hope this falls within my budget also... Currently I wanna give some to Arteria but with 3DRT announcing new prices for his models I am torn between them and when this is launched it is going to make life real hard on me in terms of having to choose... Being expensive would make the choice easier but I would prefer to have it instead :p

    Oh the suspense is killing me!
  34. pixelsteam


    May 1, 2009
    Congrat guys this is a real breakthrough...I have massive usage for this. Please make available for purchase via your site with Paypal.
  35. gustavolsson


    Jan 14, 2011
    Awesome work guys!

    I'm curious on how this could be used for traditional GUIs in Unity games. Would it be possible to have one webpage for each control, like one page for a mini-map, one page for the life bar etc and have them all render simultaneously? I've seen some people (most notably the zerogear team) use it and it seems very convenient.

    Also, thanks for mentioning the shatter toolkit in the video :)
  36. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    Hey all,

    We should be entering beta by the end of next week.

    If you would like to take part in the beta, please email info at mythoslabs dot com and we'll add you to the list.

    The beta will be for both Windows/OSX and focus on compatibility, stability, and usability/feature coverage.

    - Mythos Labs
    Check out uWebKit for Unity3D
  37. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    We getting close and are aiming for Thursday (end of day PST) for the beta release.

    If you would like to take part in the beta, please email info at mythoslabs dot com and we'll add you to the list. Please note that uWebKit is for Unity Pro and the Windows/OSX Standalone deployment target.

    We'll also be announcing introductory pricing with the beta release.

    - Mythos Labs
    Check out uWebKit for Unity3D
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
  38. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    We're in the process of sending out beta access emails.

    Here's the pricing information for uWebKit Standard, Pro, and Studio

    If you're interested in access to the uWebKit beta or have other questions, please email a request to sales at mythoslabs dot com

    - Mythos Labs
    Check out uWebKit for Unity3D
  39. liverolA


    Feb 10, 2009
    I saw the pro version: "save 200$" ,does this mean the prcice $495 is not the last price? time limited?when we can buy this?
  40. Daxiongmao87


    Jan 7, 2010
    this is just pure genius! This is one of the few assets i'd willingly buy. Not saying there aren't many great products on the asset store, i just value my money greatly :p
  41. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    @liverol: The prices in blue are the introductory prices. So, the normal price for uWebKit Standard will be $250, etc. The introductory prices will be valid for at least a month once the product is released.

    We're currently in beta and want to get the product as solid as possible before putting it in the asset store (and for sale via PayPal on our site). For instance, we would really like to have solid Unicode support before shipping. This is difficult for us to test in house, because we only have English keyboards :)
  42. artzfx


    Apr 28, 2008
    Great looking product, disappointing it is per project licencing :(
  43. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    Can someone from mythos labs please explain the screwed up licensing?

    I've nothing against per project licenses, as they normally work out well with projects that need something, but I'm sorry to say that you really didn't get what per project meant, did you? I assume that cause you list 'seats' right below which is the mutually exclusive licensing scheme. Either license it per dev using uWebKit or license it per project doing so, but don't try to make pay on both sides cause it will not work out (you can neither verify it nor count on honesty anymore from fellow devs if the licensing scheme glows and burns of greed and goes against any reasonable thinking at all).
    It also makes no sense - projects that have the budget to afford your pro are working with more than 1 dev, how is your broken license going to work? Correct, not at all legally and the studio can be skipped, you will not get an even higher inflow than Pro if at all as you are definitely the newcomer and first have to proof your value against awesonium

    I'm sorry to say so, but independent of how cool it looks, you definitely need to talk through this again and evaluate licensing schemes in the industry and come up with one that works in the favor of uWebKit and the future customers, the current one only favors pirates and that with big fat neon signs. And please, for gods sake, don't think you can prevent that by making it phone home as I will request a refund immediately should I detect that. I've no interests in explaining my customers why my application phones home to your place. That would be not acceptable to me and I guess many others forking out $700 per seat or alike.

    For per project the price would be fine to me, as I understand the concept and idea behind it (to prevent subscriptions or yearly force upgrades for the sake of paying ongoing costs)

    But for a per seat the Pro costs are a tad high given that Awesonium, which has has a proofen track as browser plugin in games for several years, is free for indie (<= $100k gross revenue per year) and non commercial and $2900 per project for non indie, if we assume that most teams that have use for your plugin consist of quite a few more than 3 developers it does not work out in your favor but perhaps you limit it on concurrent developers at a time or alike?
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  44. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    @dreamora: I debated whether or not to respond to this, you're coming up on 24k posts to these forums guy. How about taking down the attack a notch? You've deleted and re-edited the post so many times now I am not quite sure what I am responding to...

    If a project requires Pro features and has more developers on it than is feasible is exactly why we offer Studio licensing catered to that project. Do you really think EA should be able to license our product and hand it out to their entire team for a crazy low price?

    Studio licensing is for studios, indie to EA and this is why there is no one size fits all and we have an email address instead of a price for it.

    uWebKit development began as we need it for internal projects and Awesomium's Unity support didn't cut it for us. Adam is a great guy and they have a good product.
  45. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    Sorry for the edits. Had to cut down my angry tone as my first thought on the licensing with per project and per seat in two lines was "don't waste so much money on weed when doing business decisions ..."

    thanks for the response, although I'm not sure what to think of it, as it only sheds an even worse light on you cause it now makes me wonder what you are after as it makes really no sense. you are not going to get big customers or big money from big customers with selling the licenses to the tech, you sell services and thats what the studio license and priority support are for and how the big customers will be paying their licenses. you know that and they know that, thats how their business works. To me it seemed that you got this fact from the various things mentioned, so you leave me a bit puzzled with the EA note

    As such nobody debated the use and need of studio as the gain of the plugin sources on itself clears that.

    What I and within the next 24h another 2-4 dozen people will talk about and burn you for is that the table is an epic fail for the standard vs pro. The problem is your licensing scheme or the epic fail on it as you have 'per project' and 'per seat' in and that not in an "OR" form but an "AND" form or at least it seems so. Thats what I wanted and want to have clarified as the difference on cost is in the thousands to tens of thousands range.

    Which platform where you talking about that could be used for ingame advertising through your plugin? I ask cause many will pretty automatically think about Adsense which would be illegal. Can you list options there that work legally with your tech?
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  46. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    Taking on Dreamora in a head to head confrontation???

    /me grabs his popcorn
    The match between his new heroes and his long time hero is about to begin

    New guy with awesome product vs veteran with lots of loving fans behind him...
    Man I wish I knew where I could place my bets!!! What do you guys think the odds would be on this battle?
  47. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    Apologies @MrDude, hardly a new guy. This company with a product, hard work and years of experience, declines to roll around in the mud.

    If anyone has specific licensing concerns regarding uWebKit and their project. sales at mythoslabs dot com is staffed to help you.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  48. MrDude


    Sep 21, 2006
    No offence meant. Not doubting you, your company or your product or anything. Hell, you put me on the beta list and I am SOOOO EAGERLY waiting for my email also. (You DID put me on, right? Or did I have to reply to that earlier post also?). I'm definitely backing this product. Not saying your company is new, meant to say "new guy on Unity forums" (13 posts and all). Seriously, not dissing on you or anything... Backing you!

    Hence the popcorn. I want to watch this battle but not get involved. On the one hand I want to back you because I want the product for all of it's awesomeness... but on the other hand there is Dreamora. He has been very helpful on these forums and has helped me a great deal in past. His posts speak of experience and magnanimity and I have held a great deal of respect for him for quite a while now.

    Hense the surprise to find my "new heroes" taking on my "long time hero" head to head. I can't take either side so I need to watch with avid interest to see if you send Dreamora packing with his tail between his legs or wether he convinces you that not everybody on this forum has EA's budget...

    Take me for instance. The thing I am most curious to see is simply how you connect to Facebook from an external application. That is my number 1 greatest question! But to find out how you do that I need to spend $500(nearly 3 months salary) because you plan on selling to EA also. Ouch!

    Go Mythos Labs!
    Go Dreamora!
    /me takes a sip from his coke.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  49. Mythos Labs

    Mythos Labs

    Sep 25, 2011
    @MrDude: I have you're forum PM but not your email, could you send an email to sales at mythoslabs dot com with a note that you're MrDude and we'll get the beta info sent off pronto! You'll be able to see example Facebook Connect scripts in the Pro beta package.

    - Mythos Labs
    Check out uWebKit!
  50. Dreamora


    Apr 5, 2008
    I don't intend to start a battle here. As mentioned I don't doubt their professionalism nor their capabilities.
    I generally don't do that and I do it even less without their work in hand to judge PR vs reality :)

    What I'm doing and what I expect many other to do before the end of the weekend too is that I'm questioning the licensing scheme and I'm puzzled that I'm the only one questioning it.
    As mentioned, I don't have a problem with either per project licensing nor per seat licensing, but I've problems if people use both and thats for the simple reason that you will be paying expoentially for the license for linear (per project) to constant use (per dev - unity licensing model, asset store licensing, indie licensing in general)

    Simple use case math example for those with their math knowledge buried that don't get what I talk about above and need it in numbers that will kick up your brain with numbers and grasp the fact:

    Your team has 4 projects using it and it will always be the same 2 devs implementing and handling it and we assume you need the Pro ones

    Use Case 1: 4 projects and 2 devs that are to implement anything related to uWebKit

    1. Per Project license
    Total Cost: 4x $695 = $2780

    2. Per seat license:
    total Cost: 2x$ 695 = $1390

    3. Current Per Seat + Per Project licensing:
    Total Cost: 4x 2x $695 = $5560

    Use Case 2: You create 2 sequels / crossovers of these games, same staff

    1. Per Project
    Additional costs: 2x $695 = $1390

    2. Per Seat
    Additional costs: 0 x $695 = $0

    3. Current per seat and per project
    Additional costs 2x 2x $695 = $2780

    Use Case 3: You realize that your games need to grow significantly mid project and hire another developer working on your projects

    1. Per Project
    Additional costs: 0x $695 = $0

    2. Per Seat
    Additional costs: 1x $695 = $695

    3. Per seat and project
    Additional costs: 6x 1x $695 = $4170 if we assume that all titles are still maintained
    Additional costs: 2x 1x $695 = $1390 if we assume that only the sequels are maintained
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011